The subtitle of our Missions Musical says, "The sun never sets on the praises of the Lord." We begin our month long missions emphasis in our church this Sunday. While it is true that God's praise is being heard in every time zone at all times, it also behooves us to remember that there are still 3,800 unengaged, unreached people groups around our world. Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:19-20 and other passages remind us of our call to know the heart of God and act accordingly.
I Corinthians 12:27 says, "All of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of it." We are called collectively and individually to be His heart, His hands, His voice in carrying out the Great Commission as an outgrowth of living the Great Commandment.
His heart - reminds us we need to seek the heart of God both collectively and individually and come to know His redemptive, missional heart for people who have never heard and never had the chance to receive His love. Our worship should lead us to know the heart of God in a way that it transforms us in our attitude and compassion for a lost and dying world.
His hands - reminds us that our worship is incomplete if it doesn't move us out to touch, minister, and reach people who need Him - in Rockwall, in Dallas and Rockwall counties, in Texas, in North America, and in all the rest of the world, remembering that many of the world are coming to our doorstep. In a sense you don't even have to leave the country to be involved in "international missions" anymore.
His voice - the proclaiming of the good news by sharing, ministering, teaching, singing, preaching . . . in so many ways we become His voice of comfort and challenge. May our voices both reach others and challenge one another to be a part of God's mission by praying, going and giving. His Heart, His Hands, His Voice . . . all for His Glory! mjm