Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Unbroken Circle of Blessing

In a real sense there is an unbroken circle of blessing involved in worship.  God blesses us - we bless Him - we bless others and they in turn bless others and bless Him . . . and on it goes.  The circle of blessing begins and ends with Him!  
Psalm 67 brings this out.  In v. 1 - God blesses us and makes His face shine upon us.  Why?  . . . so that His way and saving power will be known among all nations. (v.2)   The entire Psalm emphasizes the praise, singing and worship of all people and how that blesses others and blesses Him.
As we have seen in other places in God's Word our worship is not complete unless it informs, inspires, and includes others seeing and fearing and trusting in Him.  
We have the wonderful opportunity during this Christmas Season of gathering as the body of Christ and worshipping the Lord . . . blessing Him with our worship and blessing others by sharing Christ through witness, praying, and giving sacrificially to missions so that others may be blessed by the Blessed Redeemer and we might be a part of all that He is doing in the world around us as He seeks to reclaim all who were lost.  As our Pastor said, "We are blessed so that we can bless others so that He will be blessed and glorified!  May we be a part of the unbroken circle of blessing during this special season.  mjm