Saturday, March 17, 2012

Are They Listening?

I read a quote today that blew me away.  When we worship God as we ought that's when the nations listen. - Edmund Clowney.  As one who experienced missions first hand, that really struck me. But also I thought, wow the same could be said about our children and grandchildren.  When we worship God as we ought that's when our younger generation will listen.  
By example for our kids are we modeling being spectators or participators in worship?  We've got a part to play in the plan of God.  In order to fulfill it, we must learn to worship.  Only then will other nations and generations see and listen.  Did you know that heaven's worship will be international and intergenerational?  In heaven we will worship will all believers who have gone before as well as those yet to come.  In heaven we will not find separate niche services for each age group.  All generations, past, present and future will join together in the worship of our Lord.
Psalm 148:12-13 shows us a beautiful picture of both young and old worshipping together.  "Young men and maidens together, old men and children!  Let them praise the name of the LORD."  The Bible challenges all ages to witness to one another about the glory of the Lord.  "One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts." (Psalm 145:4)  Ephesians 3:21 reminds us that no particular age has a corner on the market of worship, but that God will be glorified and exalted "in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout ALL generations, forever and ever. Amen."  There are many who are studying and writing about this in these very days who believe that intergenerational worship rather than age-segregated worship will most likely bring young adults back to church worship.  The very last verse of the Old Testament projects the day when hearts of fathers will be turned to children and hearts of children returned to their fathers.  The prophet Joel saw a time when the Lord would pour out His Spirit, and sons and daughters would prophesy, old men dream dreams and young men see visions.  
It is time for all people, young and old, to come together in the body of Christ.  Rory Noland, former Worship Minister for Willowcreek Church, has said that he believes "conditions are currently ripe for intergenerational worship to become not only a salient feature but also a driving force in today's church."  mjm