Saturday, March 24, 2012


Hosanna is the Aramaic exclamation of praise apparently used specifically for Jewish Religious Festivals, especially for Passover.  Also, it literally means - "Save now."  Next Sunday in the Christian Calendar is Palm Sunday.  It is the day that Christ rode into Jerusalem accompanied by shouts of "Hosanna"  for what has been sometimes termed , "the triumphal entry".  Mark 11:9 recounts, "And those who went before and those who followed were shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"  

One might say it was a bittersweet day as Jesus probably had a completely different perspective from those in the street and even us as we have read the account.  It was the 10th day of the Feast of Passover - the particular day that each Jewish family would choose an unblemished lamb, bring it into their homes, and set it apart for the atoning of their sins.  On that particular day, the Lamb of God entered Jerusalem, presenting Himself as the perfect once-for-all sacrifice that would atone for the sins of all mankind.

We see in Luke's account that as the group reached the top of the hill that led into Jerusalem, Jesus began to weep.  He was most likely mourning the rejection of the very people he had come to redeem.  In fact, Jesus said, "Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace!  But now they are hidden from your eyes."  (Luke 19:42)  The sorrow in His soul probably showed in His eyes even while He was smiling and greeting the people who fell in behind His disciples and joined in their anthem of praise.  It had to be bittersweet as "hosannas" rained down on Him, knowing that the cheers would change to jeers and that some of the people waving palm branches would soon be waving clenched fists with the "hosannas" dissolving into screams of "crucify Him".  

Yet, Jesus loved those along the side of the roadway and allowed them the honor of proclaiming the truth: He was the Son of David.  He was the King, the Messiah.  Not merely a prophet as some declared, but God Incarnate chosen to come to earth as their Redeemer.  As we worship on Palm Sunday and reflect on the week of His passion, may we remember the sorrow that accompanied our Savior every step of the way just so we could know blessed redemption in His name!   mjm