Sunday, March 4, 2012

Worship - Deference and Preference?

I want to finish up with the discussion of Intergenerational Worship for a while by talking a little about how the sin nature in folks' lives can affect their worship of God.  In his book on Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem gives a definition of sin as, "any failure to conform to the moral law of God in act, attitude, or nature."  The idea is that sin is not just actions, but also attitudes that don't line up with attitudes that God expects of us.  Basically, Grudem indicates that selfish behavior is not always sinful, but the attitude behind our selfishness is what actually determines sin.  
This attitude is the opposite of God's desire of deference over preference indicated in the Word of God. (Rom. 12:10; Phi. 1:27-2:16; Col. 3 12-17).  Unfortunately we don't see this spiritual principle of deference over preference often in the church today.  Real spiritual maturity is not just the ability, but the actual desire to defer to another in the love of Christ.  W. Curtis Vaughn  states it is, "this attitude of reciprocal deference which becomes and marks those who are filled with the Spirit.  It is opposed to rudeness, haughtiness, selfish preference for one's own opinions, and stubborn insistence on one's own rights."  
In the Romans 12 passage, Paul talks not only of "deferring" to another, but "preferring" another's will over one's own.  Referring to Rom. 12:10, Paige Patterson states, "Most 'worship wars' could be avoided by invoking this one verse."  It is time for classical musicians, traditionalists, contemporary Christian musicians, southern gospel musicians, to in a positive way defer and prefer by learning to appreciate and participate in other styles of music and worship, remembering that ultimately it is about Him and His glory!  The Christ-like attitude is not so much one of concession but Godly submission and humility.  As I asked weeks ago, what is your worship attitude?  If our attitudes are biblical, the "worship wars" will be over and all of God's people will join in all of the various expressions of grace, glory, and praise as the authentic family of God!  mjm