Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Variety in Worship

I got to thinking this week as I was spending some time with my four grandchildren about variety.  Then, that made me think again about variety in worship.  Another reason for there being a variety of expression in worship came to mind this week besides worship being for the family of God (all generations). 
Another reason for variety of expression is because of who God is.  There are at least 200 names for God and Jesus given in Scripture.  The amazing nuances of who God is comes through these many different names.  God is trying to tell us something about Himself.  He is fathomless in all of the expressions of who He is.  
I think our worship should also reflect that variety of expression of who God is.  Two years over the last 22 years, I planned worship based on a particular name of God or Christ every week of that year.  It kept our worship Christ-centric as well as it was varied in use of resources for each of the expressions of who He is.  Both years, the congregation responded very positively to this approach. 
I think this is another reason that a variety of styles and expression are worthy of our consideration in corporate worship.  It is always important that first and foremost what we do in worship be based in scripture.  It is also important that there be a good wedding between text and music.  The music should enhance the text rather than distract from it.  This can be somewhat objective if we study carefully Biblical and Historical worship, but it is also sometimes subjective as to what we consider a good wedding of text and music.  I do think it gives impetus however, for a variety of expression because of all of the different names of God as well as the different principles and teachings of the Word.  Just another thought . . . mjm