Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Enjoying God's Presence!

Yes, we should enjoy His presence.  In 1648 the Westminster covenant asks, "What is the chief end of man?"  The answer given, "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever."  After acknowledging the presence of God, surrendering to His presence, and celebrating His presence, the next thing for us to do is to live in the enjoyment of His presence.  The act of enjoying is the worship lifestyle.  The point of recognizing His presence is not just for the sake of recognizing, but for the relationship we have with Him, engaging His presence. If we profess salvation, but never spend time with God, the profession has no meaning.  We should spend time with the Lord, meshing our lives with Him, with more and more focus and passion toward Him.
When we are continually getting to know God, desiring more of Him in our lives, we will proclaim the glory of God's presence throughout every part of our lives.  When we recognize God's great worth, we are compelled to share that which we have experienced.  As we have said before, missions is not for mission's sake.  The reason for missions is worship.  We participate in mission with God as a result of enjoying Him. It is all about sharing the joy, rivers of living water flowing out to others because we have been with Him, enjoying Him in worship and joining Him in mission.
