There is no power for the doing of evangelism, ministry, and missions apart from the power of God on our lives through true worship. We are living in a time when the church has forsaken her first love. Tozer said, "God is infinitely more concerned that He has worshippers than that He has workers." God is lifting up those within the Body who will turn their hearts completely toward Him, whose passion is for His name and His glory. Their following of God is not about what they can do or where they are going, but is mainly about Him - knowing, loving, and pursuing Him. They are Following Me to Me. They are convinced that in following Christ to Himself, God will fulfill his promise to make them fishers of men.
When someone is really walking with God, they will become passionate for that which God is passionate. It is God's concern and passion that His name be glorified in all the earth, seeing all come to repentance, and His people a light to the world. True worshippers are equally devoted to the work of God, as they are to worship. However, works without worship is just a bunch of hot air that does not glorify God. Believers who get caught up in work without worship burn out or become dependent on self rather than on the Savior. Not only will they burn out, Scripture clearly says their works will burn up. Unless we return to our first love and become the true worshippers God desires, the sight of churches closing their doors will become common. If we are unable to understand that our first call is to be true worshippers, we will never experience Him doing His great work in us and through us as we are fully yielded to Him for His glory! mjm
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