Sunday, October 31, 2010

Person - Place - Passion . . . in Worship

In John 4:19-26 we find Jesus in the midst of a discussion with the Samaritan woman and He uses the occasion to give some of His first teaching on worship.  First of all He points out to her that the reason many flail around in the dark about worship is because they have not seen the clear light of the day, which is Jesus, Himself, God's way of salvation.
Then He points out that worship is about a person, not a place.  Many spend their lives looking for the right church, but it's all about Him; the right worship style, but it's all about Him; the right music, but it's all about Him; the right preacher or preaching style, but it's all about Him.  It is not about the "places" of worship that people tend to talk about, it is about Him! Worship is about engaging or connecting with the living God!  It is about a person, not a place.
Then, there is the passion of worship. The Message states vv. 23-24 thus; "It's who you are and the way you live that count before God.  Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth."  Then in v. 24, He continues, "Those who worship Him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves," (passsion), "in adoration."  Here, again, as in some other passages "spirit" is in lower case, because in this place it is not talking about the Holy Spirit, but our spirit.  We are to worship Him with everything we are, all that we are.  That's passion. One other note:  This is one of the only places in scripture where God is "seeking" something from us.  He desires our worship.  He seeks for us to engage and connect with Him in worship.  I would say there is passion both directions.  "Worship Him in spirit and truth!"
