Sunday, October 24, 2010

Worship - the Passage into His Power and Presence

Over and over in both Old and New Testaments, we see the principles laid out in John 15:5.  "I am the vine, you are the branches.  Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing."  Abiding, remaining, focusing on; it is to worship Him and that is the entrance way into His power and presence.  The only power to accomplish anything as individual believers or the church is by His power.  And, God puts worship as the entrance way into His power.  Why does God show us that principle over and over?  Because God's main concern is His glory.  If in His kingdom we could accomplish anything in our own power, with our own cleverness, God would not receive the glory for His work.  But, because we are totally dependent on Him to bear any fruit, God is sure to get the glory.
Col. 3:1-2 tells us to "set our minds on things above, not on earthly things."  The key to true worship is the people of God becoming engaged with God with their entire hearts, souls, minds, and strength.  Dr. Bruce Leafblad has said, "God is the first priority of the church.  Not people.  Not ministry.  Not growth.  Not success.  God and God alone occupies the place of ultimate and absolute priority in the church."  God and God alone is the power source of the church.  Let us worship Him and enter in to His power and presence.