Sunday, October 17, 2010

"High and Lifted Up"

Isaiah 6 is a very instructive passage in our private and corporate worship.  Isaiah sees the Lord high and lifted up, and when He sees God in all of his fullness, he sees himself..."Woe is me, for I am undone."  We can not truly come into the manifest presence of God and not see ourselves as sinners in need of grace.
But in the following verses it says your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.  Praise God we don't have to live in that place of guilt.  When we look God in the face in all of his Holiness, we see ourselves corrupt and in total depravity and yet, through His provision in Christ Jesus, our guilt is gone, our sins wiped out.  Holy, yet merciful God is He!
Once we have seen Him, come to acknowledge our sin, been forgiven, then He challenges us to move forward by asking, "Whom shall I send?  Who will go?"  Because He is God and because of His grace our answer should be, "Here am I, send me."  And then He says, "Go and tell this people."
When we experience the manifest presence of God and walk in His mercy and grace, we will want to be on mission with Him in helping others to see that He is worthy of our worship.  Then, the passion of our hearts will be helping others in His power and strength to desire to worship Him! mjm
